If you think you have a hemorrhoid, first analyze whether you have the correct symptoms. If you do, then you can worry about finding a treatment.
Do you have a hemorrhoid?
Often times, they are so small that people can go their entire life without knowing they have a hemorrhoid. Other times, it’s painfully obvious due to irritation experienced during bowel movement such as itching or pain. Hemorrhoids can be internal, meaning they are inside the anus, or external, meaning they lie underneath the skin around the anus. If you are experiencing bleeding during your bowel movement, chances are you have an internal hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoid Treatments
Some treatments are very affordable and very easy to come across. For example, you can pick up a creme which numbs the area at any pharmacy or local market. Other medications can be used to shrink the hemorrhoid so it causes less pain and irritation. There are also prescription cremes and lotions which can be used in a more serious situation.
If you have a severe hemorrhoid, it’s possible that surgery might be the best answer. In this case, a doctor will use sclerotherapy and a rubber band ligation. These can be very expensive procedures. Rubber band ligation can be done in a doctors office and doesn’t take very long. Sclerotherapy, on the other hand utilizes an injection of a chemical which is given to the area surrounding the hemorrhoid. This chemical forces the constriction of blood vessels feeding the hemorrhoid. This hemorrhoid treatment causes the hemorrhoid to shrink.
How many of us have heard about the numerous benefits of fiber? Fiber, in its two forms, soluble and insoluble, is very beneficial to our health. Although our bodies can’t break down this particular substance, its presence in our bodies offers excellent digestive and weight loss benefits.
Some of the foods which are rich in fiber include beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. By eating foods rich in this compound, we end up feeling full for hours upon hours. Since our bodies can’t break down fiber, it takes us much longer to digest it. When our digestive track has to work extra hard to break down this compound it uses up more energy which in turn helps us burn more calories. Aside from weight loss benefits, soluble and insoluble fiber offers digestive system perks.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms glue like gel inside our bodies. This particular gel softens stools and slows down stomach emptying for improved digestion. Insoluble fiber on the other hand serves as a natural laxative. This particular compound holds on to water and pushes waste faster along the intestines. When waste is pushed faster along the intestines it leaves less time for cancerous substances in your stool to have contact with the lining of the bowel. Not only does this result in softer stools but it also decreases the chances of colon cancer and hemorrhoids. So if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, gas, constipation, hemorrhoids, or if you want to prevent obesity, colon cancer, gallstones, and other digestive troubles, you should try to incorporate more fiber into your daily diet. Aside from its medicinal benefits, consuming foods rich in this compound will help you lose those unwanted pounds faster. A fiber-rich healthy diet along with exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle.